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Specializing in Plumbing & HVAC Forensic Engineering

About Us

Specializing in Plumbing & HVAC Forensic Engineering

About Us

Specializing in Plumbing & HVAC Forensic Engineering

When tasked with finding an engineer to investigate a plumbing or HVAC insurance claim, many adjusters contact the local office of a large forensic engineering firm that staffs numerous engineers of varying disciplines.  Such firms may provide convenience, but often the engineer assigned has only a general understanding of the complex systems of the claim.  Why settle for a generalist when you can engage a specialist?  EIS engineers have the background and industry experience that make them experts in the complex subjects of plumbing and HVAC design, construction, and systems operation.

Many HVAC investigation specific firms send a local affiliated technician out to a site to evaluate systems and equipment before an engineer performs a desk review of submitted materials.  When EIS accepts an assignment, a licensed professional engineer is onsite, leading the investigation team from the inspection phase through issuance of an engineering report.  This is of particular importance in large losses and construction defect HVAC claims, where legal action is often of concern.  Should a claim move toward litigation, EIS has the experience working with attorneys and the focused understanding of HVAC and plumbing systems to provide accurate expert witness testimony.